Meet Kevin

Position: Support Worker / Training Assistant
Kevin has worked at Working World since 2014. He started as a volunteer and after a year was employed as a permanent member of staff. Kevin has a wealth of knowledge and experience that supports the Clients at Working World to gain independent living skills. Kevin is described by his colleagues as caring, fun, helpful, thrifty, friendly and very busy. He lives with his wife Helen in Harvington near Evesham. Kevin enjoys spending time with his family and four young Grandsons. He also enjoys Autograss racing, reading, travelling and socialising with friends.
Responsibilities: Kevin is responsible for the packing of the Candy Love sweets, this entails sourcing the sweets, supporting Clients to pack the sweets, health and hygiene while packing and Client development with numeracy while packing. Kevin is also responsible for Safety checks of The Working World Minibuses and the planning and upkeep of the Working World Garden. In addition to the above, alongside other staff, Kevin is responsible for Client safety, promoting Independence and First Aid.