Vicky’s story
“Vicky was one of the first clients at Working World, so she has been there for about seven or eight years. We first heard about Working World from the mum of one of her friends, which was when Vicky was just about to leave college. This other mum told us that Working World was starting and passed on Helen’s telephone number. I phoned Helen and explained Vicky’s position, about her leaving college with nothing to do. I booked a place there and then with her on the phone on the strength of what the other mum had told me about Working World. Vicky and I then went to see Helen and to ask Vicky whether she’d like to go, and then Vicky started initially just a few half days. The time she spends has increased since then, but initially we had to sort out funding for Vicky.
We know the staff at Working World very well, they are all very helpful. They provide us with a lot of feedback, especially if the Vicky is not hundred percent or if there is a problem. Vicky is a very easy person to get along with, she doesn’t have a lot of emotional issues, but I would say the staff are very helpful.
Vicky really enjoys the interaction with her peer group; she tells me all the time what she’s been doing. She loves the cooking that they do every other week, and they can take their tea home. She enjoys shopping and going off with Kevin to get provisions for the cafe. Vicky enjoys everything, the packing, counting in the money; the only thing she doesn’t really like is doing leaflets. She loves going altogether in a group to swimming and to the gym.
Vicky has gained a lot of confidence from being at Working World. She will try new things. Overall I think it gives her an aim and a reason to get up in the morning, because she knows she’s got something to do with the day. We did worry about whether she could get a job, Working World gives her meaningful activity.
In all the time that Vicky has been going to Working World she’s never had a complaint about anything. She’s kept busy all of the time; the clients are never sitting around waiting for something to do. Everything is very organised and everybody who goes there does different things every day.
"I would give Working World a 9.5 out of 10 because a 10 would mean there is not room for further improvement.”
Jane Shilton, mother of client, 18th May 2015
“Every time I visit I am struck by the happy and inclusive atmosphere”
Peter Shilton, father of client 18th May 2015